Monday 2 January 2012

Our Bucket List

Today Adrianna and I watched the movie The Bucket List. It was an amazing and touching movie and it really made us reflect of what we want to change and do with this new fresh year. And so we decided that the best way to fulfill everything we want to do this year is to create a bucket list of all of our goals. Here it is:

1. Learn how to ride a bike efficiently and safely.
2. Attempt to eat a teaspoon of cinnamon and a gallon of milk.
3. Give a gift card to a homeless person.
4. Volunteer at a charity.
5. Make a snowman.
6. See something majestic together.
7. Eat frog legs.
8. Go on a vacation together.
9. Learn how to say hello in 30 different languages.
10. Plant a tree.
11. Learn a dance routine.
12. Do the CN tower climb.
13. Roll on the CN tower glass floor.
14. Go on the behemoth together.
15. Be a vegetarian for a week.
16. Be an extra in a movie.
17. Start a blog/ make a book of all blog entries.
18. Go to Central Park together.
19. Go to a Karaoke Bar.
20. Cook a gourmet meal for others

^^ As you can see we have already started our blog entry but we still have a long way to go.

Xox The Bucket List Bloggers -Desdomona

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